Developing Organisational Alignment

Unlock your organisation’s potential with a unique, interactive workshop that drives clarity, alignment, and strategic focus while strengthening team connections.

A2A Workshop

At Aligned to Achieve (A2A), we bring teams together using the Aligned to Achieve platform to identify key organisational goals, uncover blockers, and design actionable strategies for success. Along the way, participants find the sessions engaging, enjoyable, and an eye-opening opportunity to better understand their company and the needs of other teams.

Here’s how we help organisations achieve breakthrough results using a recent workshop as an example:

Identifying and Prioritising Goals

Six teams collaborated through gameplay to identify their organisation’s most critical goals. With the guidance of an experienced facilitator, they evaluated the options recognised by each group and agreed on the most pressing priorities. This ensured that all teams tackled the same core challenges throughout the rest of the session, fostering unity and direction while focusing on the most impactful goals.

      “The session was fascinating; a great way to take a step back and visualise the bigger picture.”

Uncovering and Addressing Blockers

Participants identified the most impactful blockers to individual and group success. By examining these challenges across teams, we highlighted personal or team-specific obstacles and weighed them against organisation-wide issues. This enabled the group to zero in on the barriers with the most significant impact, ensuring that solutions addressed the root causes of inefficiency and misalignment.

      “We learned more about what other teams face and how we can help, something we never had the time to discuss before.”

Aligning Goals with Organisational Strategy

Armed with a shared understanding of goals and blockers, we helped teams align their objectives with the organisation’s overarching strategy. This alignment ensured that plans for the next 12 months supported team success and broader organisational priorities. With clarity on the path forward, teams could focus on activities that delivered results where they mattered most.

Designing Impactful Activities

By the end of the session, participants had developed a suite of activities designed to address their most critical challenges while advancing the organisation’s strategy. These activities empowered individual teams to achieve goals and reinforced a shared vision, setting the foundation for long-term success.

      “Feedback was really great, and it was immensely valuable to dive into these topics as a team before going through them in greater detail later that week. And everyone had heaps of fun!”

The A2A process delivers a clear and actionable alignment strategy in far less time than traditional methods. Our interactive workshops provide tangible outputs, ready for immediate implementation. This streamlined, repeatable approach ensures teams stay aligned and equipped to achieve ongoing, measurable results.

Why Choose the Aligned to Achieve Workshop?

  •  Interactive and Engaging: Transform traditional strategy sessions into dynamic, team-focused experiences.
  •  Facilitator-Led Insights: Benefit from expert facilitation to prioritise and align goals effectively.
  •  Organisation-Wide Impact: Focus on solving challenges that matter most to your team and organisation.
  •  Team Collaboration: Build stronger connections by learning about the needs and challenges of other teams and how you can help.
  •  Strategic Planning Made Simple: Design actionable, 12-month plans that drive measurable results.